Hey, I’m Myf (Pronounced M-I-V). I’m a 26-year old based in Cardiff with a passion for climate change, environmental justice and sustainable finance.
Latest blog posts
- Net Zero Explained: What does Net Zero actually mean?by Myf Morgan-JonesFacebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ StumbleUpon Pinterest Shares Net Zero has become one of those sustainability buzzwords like “greenwashing”, “low-carbon”, and…
- The B Corp Accreditation: Redefining Business for a Better Worldby Myf Morgan-JonesFacebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ StumbleUpon Pinterest Shares In our corporate society, where profit is prioritised over people and the planet,…
- Everything you need to know about Sustainable Pensionsby Myf Morgan-JonesFacebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ StumbleUpon Pinterest Shares What is a Pension? If you live in the UK, are aged 22+…
- The UK’s top sustainable banksby Myf Morgan-JonesFacebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ StumbleUpon Pinterest Shares Why should you change your banking provider? Where you keep your money has…
- Beginners guide to the EU Taxonomy and SFDRby Myf Morgan-JonesFacebook Twitter LinkedIn Google+ StumbleUpon Pinterest Shares The EU has been a leader in implementing sustainable finance and business regulations….